Friday, August 19, 2011

another view of sigyn's role

I stand at the doorway to that cave
That terrible place where she still kneels.
Always on her knees, that one,
In one form or another.
Now they are rough and muddy,
marked by fresh scabs, 
skin rubbed raw from the cave floor.
Utterly misplaced devotion, or total neglect, 
those are what I have to choose from now.
One who doesn't need me, and one who 
sits guarding the shape...
After all, one mortal got it correct.
"in the shape of loki"
In the fucking shape. How dare
she assume I'd be so static,
so complacent to my torment.
I am not half the masochist she is.
This is not what she used to be.
Secretly, I think she thinks
this is all really indeed my fault.
And the guilt she carried for loving
Someone like me, led her
to her blind devotion.
Everyone calls her the devoted wife...
But what sort of husband wishes to 
see his wife's identity fade away,
only to be replaced by a duty
that exists completely in her mind.
For if she loved me, she would look at
 the thing she protects so dearly.
She would not feel my warmth in it, nor my love, or
my devotion, for that is NOT me chained there.
She has chosen to serve a version of me
that she's seen fit to replace what I really am.
And the humans say I am the Fool.....
A wife of mine would not just hold a bowl while I scream.
A wife of mine would see the flaws in the system.
If only she would just get PISSED OFF like she should,
scream at me and let the snake do it's worst with the venom.
The shape I left would dissolve. Her illusions would be shattered.
If only....

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